
Come with me as I discover all the new treasures along the journey the Lord has placed before me. The journey might not always be easy or fun, but as a daughter of the King, I (and you!) can rest assured He will always carry us through.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Photo Booth Friday

So, I've come up with something to do, to help keep me accountable to blogging. Every Friday will be "Photo Booth Friday". It will probably be an assortment of photos, never knowing what Friday will bring.

So, today, I bring you my mom's babies. Not of the flesh sort, but of plant sort. Her favorite plant, the hibiscus. She plants these every Spring, and used to buy them every year on the day that used to be my parent's anniversary when Dad was alive. So, now I have the privilege of keeping them alive.

So, I'm really hoping that they don't die while in my care, with what time we have left until the first frost. I don't have the greatest track record. Thankfully, they are very low maintenance.

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