This past summer was a whirlwind. It seemed like it was one thing after another! I thought that after VBS, things would settle down until we would move. My Grandpa had taken a turn for the worse, and had really gone down hill during that week. We had gone to visit him at the nursing home not even thinking that would be the last time we would see him here on earth. We had only been there a few minutes, when he passed away with my brother and I sitting right next to him talking to him. I can't even begin to explain what it is like to be holding someone's hand, talking to them and them responding to you, and then see them breathe their last and slip into eternity. We had a really nice service, and we were thankful for all who came.
We got mom married off the end of July, and then Jeff and I began packing and moving. We are living now in the home I grew up in. Mom moved to Indianapolis, so we are living at the house. We are so happy to be living here. Much better than the apartment. We don't miss it one bit.
Jeff has been working a ton of hours as usual. He never knows just what time he will be leaving out the next day, and 75% of the time doesn't get back until 12 or 1 in the morning, sometimes later. He would love to have a job that has consistent hours. I would love that too. :) We don't see each other that much on the days he works. So, I really treasure his 2 days off a week.
Work for me is going really well. Still love being where I am. I couldn't ask for a better job.
Tomorrow is Wednesday...halfway through the week. And, AWANA begins tomorrow, so it will be a looong day. Looking forward to it though!
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