Saw this over at Rachel's and had to play along as well. :)
♥ What are your middle names? Mine is Marie, and I'm actually called by my first and middle name together quite often...His is Allen. He doesn't like it. :)
♥How long have you been together? next month is our 1 year wedding anniversary, but we've been together since October of 2007. i know, quick. :)
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? not long. we only dated for 6 months before we were engaged.
♥ Who asked who out? neither of us really asked the other out. it kind of just happened. but, he definitely started the ball rolling. <= my answer is the exact same as Rachel's. ♥ Who made the first move? he definitely made the first "move" by kissing me. ♥ How old are each of you? me: 26 him: 34 ♥ Did you go to the same school? nope, we were from two different states. ♥ Are you from the same hometown? nope, see above question. ♥ Who is the smartest? We are both bright in our own areas. I don't think it's possible to say which one of us is smarter because we are each strong in different areas. ♥ Who majored in what? me: bible/child develoment/administration. him: computer science ♥ Who is the most sensitive? OK, asking this question is like asking is grass green. Me by a landslide. ♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? not much here in our small town, but probably Applebees or take-out from Beijing Chinese ♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Woodland Park, CO ♥ Who has the worst temper? him, not so much a temper, but he gets frustrated more easily. ♥ How many children do you want? we would like 3-4, but we'll just have to see! ♥ Who does the cooking? i am the one that does the cooking when he's home for dinner. i think J has cooked maybe twice since we've been together? he works crazy hours so most of the time i eat alone. ♥ Who is more social? probably me. but i like to have my alone time as well. ♥ Who is the neat-freak? I like things neat, clean, and put away, but certainly not a neat-freak. my time on earth is short and would rather focus the time i have with those i love and care about. there are more important things in life than to just spend so much of my time cleaning everyday. the messes will always be there. but time won't. ♥ Who is the most stubborn? we both are stubborn. but he balances me out with his patience with certain things where i don't have it and vice versa. ♥ Who wakes up earlier? usually J. for the most part he is an early riser. ♥ Where was your first date? my house and a movie. ♥ Who has the bigger family? i do. i have two older brothers. he has one sister. ♥ Do you get flowers often? Nope. I can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten flowers. ♥ How do you spend the holidays? most of the time with my family. J's mom and step-dad live in MO, and his dad lives in OH. ♥ Who is more jealous? me. :) ♥ How long did it take to get serious? not. long. at. all. ♥ Who eats more? him. and he seems to never show it. ♥ What do you do for a living? i work for our church as the administrative assistant and sell MK. he drives for a company that delivers milk and grocery to Krogers in Indiana and Chicago. ♥ Who does the laundry? i do. always. i'm too nervous to let him do it. i have a certain way i do it. ♥ Who’s better with the computer? him. ♥ Who drives when you are together? he usually drives about 90 percent of the time. ♥ What is "your" song? you are so beautiful by joe cocker. well we don't really listen to it, but if we hear it, we always reminisce. :) J used to sing it to me when he called while we were dating, so when i answered he was singing it. :)
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