
Come with me as I discover all the new treasures along the journey the Lord has placed before me. The journey might not always be easy or fun, but as a daughter of the King, I (and you!) can rest assured He will always carry us through.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

He wears it

Love the baltic necklace! B has been sleeping soo good since wearing it! (I don't know if it has actually played a part, but one can hope!) He has been going to bed at 8:30 and sleeping till 6 before he wants a bottle, then going back to bed for a couple of hours. He hasn't done this for several weeks due to being sick and miserable. But he just seems so much better after wearing it. He hasn't been fussy either. I'm thinking I might purchase one of the hazelwood/baltic amber combo necklaces for myself; they are just all around great, natural necklaces with so many benefits! Here's a picture of B sporting his necklace... I haven't tried the soapnuts yet, but plan to this week! I'll be sure to update on how they work; I'm excited to try them! I already make our own laundry detergent, but love finding new cost effective ways to do laundry, and it be all natural!

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