I looked back and noticed that it had been, ahem, a few months since the last post. :) Well, much has happened since then.
We welcomed our sweet baby boy, Brandon into the world.

Brandon Stephen Lewis
July 7, 2010 - 8:53 p.m.
8lbs. 4oz. 21.5 inches

Perfect in every way! :)
The Story...
I had been having contractions off and on since the 4th. So, we decided to go ahead and go in on the 6th in the evening to be induced. Our plan was to labor and deliver naturally. They put in a balloon catheter to jumpstart my cervix in dialating. By morning, around 6 or so on the 7th, they started the pitocin. For the rest of the day, I was able to rest pretty comfortably because I wasn't feeling my contractions or having any pain. PTL. :)
They had the pitocin turned up pretty high, and my contractions were off the chart, but for some reason I wasn't feeling them! By noon, the doc came in and broke my water hoping that would speed things up. He was hopeful that we would have a baby by 8pm. By 2pm, I was at 7cm. Still feeling good, but feeling the contractions. I wasn't entirely uncomfortable because they still weren't too painful; however, they were coming one right after another. The only downside to the whole ordeal was that I didn't feel like I was getting any type of "rest" between them. So, I continued to labor the rest of the day hopeful that when the doc would come in at 5, things would have been progressing some more. BUT I was still at 7cm. He decided to stay around and then came back in around 7:30. I was STILL at 7cm. They had the pitocin turned up the majority of the afternoon as far as possible (and still safe) but he just wouldn't come down! By this point I was exhausted, and ready for a REAL break. :)
So, because he was not coming down, and my cervix had become inflammed, I had to have a c-section. Things happened pretty fast, and before I knew it, I had my sweet baby boy in my arms. Although we were disappointed in the fact that we didn't deliver naturally, we were thankful for a safe delivery and a healthy baby boy. :)
Life has been different, but WONDERFUL, and I wouldn't trade it for a second. There are times I just can't take my eyes off the sweet face of my baby. As crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't oppose to the idea of trying for another baby in the next few months! However, we have chosen to wait a couple of years, unless the Lord has different plans. :)

I am just so in love with him!
We make our way to the doctor this coming Tuesday for his 2 month check-up and shots. I really debated on whether to get his shots now or wait till he is a bit older. I have done some reading about both sides of the argument. We just decided that for our family, we would go ahead and do it now. I am really anxious though to see how much he weighs and has grown.
I took an evening and made my own little "photoshoot" for his 2 month pictures, but I'll have to get them up in a different post because they are taking forever to load!
Have a great Labor Day!