Jeff has been busy working. They still haven't quite got his schedule set yet, so some weeks I see him maybe a few hours one day a week, and he is gone from Sunday afternoon - Friday. Some weeks I see him a couple nights. We are hoping his schedule gets set soon, so we can actually see one another! He is training here and there for the manager job for the company/terminal in Lafayette. The guy who is presently there wants to move to Texas. So, time will tell.
Lots of things on the calendar at church which is making time fly by. I can't believe April is almost through, and I know May will go by quickly. June brings VBS, and then the little one will make his appearance. It is amazing how this pregnancy has just flown by!
We have the nursery all done, just stocking it now. :) I hope to take some pictures soon of it. Pictures will be taken before his name is put up. It's a secret. :) I'm excited for my shower coming up in about a month. Jeff says no more buying until after the shower. Hehe :)
I have my 30 week appointment next monday. I get to do the lovely 1 hour glucose test as well. I'm pretty sure that soon I'll be starting the every 2 week or so appointments. It doesn't seem possible that we are at that point. He is moving so much now, and sitting around watching my shirt and belly bop around is soo amazing!! :)
Happy Birthday to me! :) I bought myself a new camera. It is a Nikon D40. I can't wait to get it in the mail, mess around with it and start taking pictures. I've been wanting a better camera, more of a SLR camera than just a point and shoot. Hopefully in the next month or so, I'm hoping to purchase another lense to go with it, maybe a 50mm. I can't wait to get it!
Okay, I'll hopefully get back on here next week after that appointment. Ha ha...I know, right? :)