Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I was sure it was a girl. The feeling that it was going to be a girl was so strong that I had even purchased a few girl items (clothing) for next winter since they were on clearance. :)
Well...I had gone in for an ultrasound on the 22nd of Feb., and they THOUGHT it was a boy. The cord was in the same area, but it looked like a boy nonetheless. The tech wanted me to come back in a couple of weeks because she wasn't really confident in telling us that, so this past Monday, I went back in for a free check. Sure enough, as soon as she placed the wand on my stomach, she declared, "it's a boy!"
I have to say, that although for the longest time I thought it was a girl, I am more than happy with God blessing us with a boy first. We are so excited! We have a name picked out, however, we aren't sure if we are going to share it before he is born or not. Guess you'll have to stay tuned and see. :)
Things are still going well. Definitely feeling him a lot everyday; he has been very active on the ultrasounds. We expect his arrival to be sometime in the first of July.
This time of the year always seems to be the lull before the storm here at the church. When April begins, things will go into full swing until after VBS. April brings Easter, and WOL Regional Teens Involved to the church which will involve 300-400 people coming here from all over Indiana. It is always a fun day! Then, May brings something every weekend either here at the church or personally (hoping for a quick trip to Iowa the second weekend!). Baby shower on the 22nd, which I'm of course looking forward to. June will bring the final planning and organization of VBS. I'm hoping to have everything planned, ordered, and settled by the time VBS comes around, because Baby will be coming then too. :)
I'll leave you with a few of the recent ultrasound photos. Hopefully (and I say that sincerity!), I will stay up on this better over the next several months!
Well...I had gone in for an ultrasound on the 22nd of Feb., and they THOUGHT it was a boy. The cord was in the same area, but it looked like a boy nonetheless. The tech wanted me to come back in a couple of weeks because she wasn't really confident in telling us that, so this past Monday, I went back in for a free check. Sure enough, as soon as she placed the wand on my stomach, she declared, "it's a boy!"
I have to say, that although for the longest time I thought it was a girl, I am more than happy with God blessing us with a boy first. We are so excited! We have a name picked out, however, we aren't sure if we are going to share it before he is born or not. Guess you'll have to stay tuned and see. :)
Things are still going well. Definitely feeling him a lot everyday; he has been very active on the ultrasounds. We expect his arrival to be sometime in the first of July.
This time of the year always seems to be the lull before the storm here at the church. When April begins, things will go into full swing until after VBS. April brings Easter, and WOL Regional Teens Involved to the church which will involve 300-400 people coming here from all over Indiana. It is always a fun day! Then, May brings something every weekend either here at the church or personally (hoping for a quick trip to Iowa the second weekend!). Baby shower on the 22nd, which I'm of course looking forward to. June will bring the final planning and organization of VBS. I'm hoping to have everything planned, ordered, and settled by the time VBS comes around, because Baby will be coming then too. :)
I'll leave you with a few of the recent ultrasound photos. Hopefully (and I say that sincerity!), I will stay up on this better over the next several months!