
Come with me as I discover all the new treasures along the journey the Lord has placed before me. The journey might not always be easy or fun, but as a daughter of the King, I (and you!) can rest assured He will always carry us through.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


So, I've been a bit MIA.... :)

I haven't had much motiviation or interest in getting on here to write for, well, a while now. When I get home from work, the first thing I want to do is change into something comfy and lay on the couch. And, I think I have a good excuse too. :)

I wish I had a picture to document the news, but the one we have is from 4 weeks ago, and we don't have a scanner at home. So, words will just have to do!

We're having a BaBy!!

We are so excited, and were actually semi-surprised! I say semi-surprised because we know that with God all things are possible, but I had been informed a few years ago that I probably would need some sort of fertility help to get pregnant. The good Lord knew otherwise. :)

So, we're looking forward the time around July 8 which is when the little blessing is due. I'm nearing the end of the first trimester which has been nice because the nausea is pretty much gone. I'd say I was pretty lucky in the fact that I was really only nauseous for about 3-4 weeks. So, for that I'm thankful!

Here is a picture of the baby's first gift from grandma of course.

We go for our first OB appointment in about 3 weeks. I will be 14 weeks by the time I see her, but my doc is going to be out of town and that's the next available date they had. I haven't seen or heard the heartbeat since I was 6.5 weeks, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Well, I must get back to some things, and maybe catch a cat-nap before our FLOCK Christmas musical tonight.

Merry Christmas!