We are down to just a little under 3 months! Time is going by fast! Most everything is finished...just a few things left to do.
As of August 1, Jeff lost his job. The company he was driving for here in town is no longer dispatching here in town. The company is based in Georgia. They told him that if he wanted to keep his job he would have to move to Georgia. He has gone to Georgia to work just until he hears from the other places that he has applied at. Although it is very hard having him down there with the uncertainty of when I will see him, we are trying to be patient and rely on God that he will bring the right job along. We trust He has something better in store. We would appreciate your prayers on our behalf!
In other news...I've been at my job now for just a little over a year now. I couldn't be happier in the place that God chose to place me in. I'm so thankful that this position opened up at just the right time.
I'm hoping to get some painting done this weekend. I'm starting up the new 3rd-4th grade Sunday school class, but there has to be some serious work in that room! I want it to look fresh and clean. :)
Okay..enough for now, I must get going! Until next time...
Easy Chocolate Protein Mousse
2 days ago