Well, the wedding! :) Jeff and I got married on November 8! It was a very cold day! Everything went perfect just as planned. Jeff was surprised by my song, and the Star Wars theme song at the reception! I pulled it off! :) We had just over 200 in attendance. I was very thankful for all who came! Here are some pictures of the day that people have sent me!

After all the festivities, we headed out west to Colorado. We stayed up in the mountains in Woodland Park, CO near Pikes Peak. That will have to be another post because of the pictures!
We came back and jumped back into our jobs. I love my job! I'm so thankful to be where I am. I couldn't ask for a better job.
We had a nice Thanksgiving. We enjoyed the day at my mom's with all the family. The friday after, Mom and I braved Lafayette. We spent a good chunk of the day up there doing some Christmas shopping.
Jeff and I have our place all decorated and the tree up. Most of the decor is "winter" decor (i.e. snowman, snowflakes, etc.). We don't do the whole Santa thing, so you won't find any Santa's in our place. We also have our nativity set up and lots of other things that remind us of the real Reason for CHRISTmas.
Mom and I are heading out to Iowa this weekend. The Coffey's, a lovely couple I stayed with quite a bit while attending college at Faith, and then while working out there, invited us to come stay with them. So, we are going to do some Christmas shopping and go to the Festival of Carols at the school. Then Sunday, we are going to go to the church I went to while out there, and I'm going to sing a couple of Christmas songs during one of the services. It's going to be a short trip, but we are still looking forward to it. Unfortunately, Jeff can't go. He has to work Sunday night, and we wouldn't be back in time. Thankfully I'll get to see him Saturday before we leave. I hate not being with him over the weekend. Because of his job, we don't see each other much during the week, so we enjoy the weekends. I don't like going places, or doing things without him. Hopefully next time we go and visit, he can go.
Next weekend, Jeff and I are having the family over for a Christmas dinner here at our place. We can't wait! :)
Christmas Eve will be a busy evening. We'll have the Christmas eve service at our church to go to, sometime make it out to my Grandparents house for a while, and then I have to sing a duet with another lady in town at her Christmas eve service at 11pm!!
Well, I'm going to get back to getting my Christmas cards ready to be sent out. Until next time!